Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Always Assume Support"

Kate Hancock

When our internship comes to an end and my family and friends ask what I have learned interning with Planned Parenthood PAC, I will say (among many other observations and skills) to “always assume support”. This seems obvious, right?! Jess used this phrase as advice to all the new volunteers at our volunteer orientation at the end of January. It stood out to me then and continues to do so today. These words are important to keep in mind, especially while canvassing or phone banking. However, it wasn’t until I was out on the turf or phone banking did I truly learn the value of that phrase.
“To always assume support” is more than just an attitude, it’s more than just assuming, it’s believing that who we stand with and that our message is important to the folks we canvas and call on a weekly basis. If believing in the messages we spread does not quite give you the confidence to “walk the walk” then look to the numbers. Over two thirds of Pennsylvania supports Planned Parenthood! That’s a “most likely” in my book and I’d like to assume that a large portion of the other one third is simply not properly educated on Planned Parenthood’s services and mission, which addresses EVERY individual, regardless of “income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence” . It’s almost ironic that it is so important to assume support when ALL of the bills we are working to pass, one would assume they are already laws.
As PAC Interns, we make hundreds of calls a week, sometimes even a day. I hope in the midst of it all, supportive people or not, that we all try to keep in mind how important it is to find it within us every call to portray our passion for Planned Parenthood and the importance of the message we are spreading. While talking on the phone, the potential supporter cannot see our faces or read our body language but they can detect if something is important to us.

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