The past weeks have been a whirlwind of political adventure. It began in Harrisburg where I met and bonded instantly with a group of my peers. There is something really special that happens when you are placed with a group of so similarly like-minded people in a society that tends to view feminism and Planned Parenthood with disdain.
The Action Camp really motivated me and sent me to the campaign office of Steve Santarsiero with the tools to make a difference. Since starting with Steve’s campaign, I have walked door to door in 100+ degree weather, participated in a fundraiser, done super important campaign research, worked with young volunteers, and have had the privilege of talking to a lot of very supportive people.
I think my favorite part of the past weeks has been canvassing for both Planned Parenthood and Steve simultaneously in his district. It has been a rough summer for the political canvasser but as we have seen through practice, canvassing is the most effective way to get the word out to potential voters. It has been a pleasure canvassing for Planned Parenthood and hearing the stories and words of support from the women of Yardley. It gives me a lot of hope to hear that there are so many women who feel strongly about Planned Parenthood. I know that this upcoming election is going to be one of the most difficult but hopefully one of the most rewarding.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this internship is that Steve Santarsiero is running a very bipartisan campaign. This is far from an angle, as Steve knows firsthand how the deadlocks in Harrisburg are harming Pennsylvania. It has been an especially interesting experience to hear people from all political affiliations praise Steve because he does not give in to party politics. He is therefore an excellent candidate for people who want to see changes made for the good of the people of Pennsylvania rather than strictly on party lines.
I have also had the pleasure of doing visibility work with the Philadelphia Planned Parenthood. We staged a rally after the Affordable Care Act was passed on the streets of Philadelphia. The atmosphere on the streets was overwhelmingly positive and full of hope. It was so inspiring to hear the stories of people as they signed our petition to support Planned Parenthood. Another amazing opportunity was being asked to table the recent Coldplay concert. Knowing that this group that has such a large audience wanted a Planned Parenthood presence at their concert is inspiring to say the least not to mention extremely exciting!
Thank you so much Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates for allowing me to get involved during such a crucial time in politics. This is just the start of my involvement with political campaigns and I am so excited to see where it takes me.
- Heidi Lieberman, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern PA
- Heidi Lieberman, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern PA
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